Monday, March 12, 2012
Facebook Page Now Switched To Timeline
I have switched my Facebook page over to the timeline layout.
This means you can now message me directly, rather than seek out my personal profile. It makes it easier on all of us.
Still not so sure if I'm liking the whole timeline thing just yet.. (I like the newsfeed) but the messaging and feature options are pretty enticing.
I've already received several messages from you guys, which is awesome, you're all very encouraging and that means a lot. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell me, and I'm doing my best to keep up with you.
As for the album, I'm in the process of recording guitar, and re-recording vocals on several tracks. As I look back on my older stuff, I'm thrilled to see how far I've come, and continue to progress. Every day is something new. Can't wait to share the new stuff with you.