Friday, June 29, 2012

Photos: Rally For Robert Leone

Rally for Robert Leone, against police brutality - Towanda, PA - Bradford County Courthouse
Today I attended the rally at the courthouse in Towanda, PA for Robert Leone, against police brutality, and took photos of what I saw.

If you haven't seen the video yet, here it is-

***Warning*** It is a bit graphic and very disturbing.

Here are some photos from the rally:
Rally for Robert Leone, against police brutality - Towanda, PA - Bradford County Courthouse - protest
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Rally for Robert Leone, against police brutality - Towanda, PA - Bradford County Courthouse - protest
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Rally for Robert Leone, against police brutality - Towanda, PA - Bradford County Courthouse - protest
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Rally for Robert Leone, against police brutality - Towanda, PA - Bradford County Courthouse - protest
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Rally for Robert Leone, against police brutality - Towanda, PA - Bradford County Courthouse - protest
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