Sunday, November 1, 2009

Friday 13 - Meme

Last Friday I came up with an idea for this blog, Friday 13- every Friday I post 13 things that happened during the week, or things I liked, etc. The catch is, the majority of the list has to have a "dark" feel to it. Anything goth/horror related is perfect, as well as dark genres of music, art, fashion, etc.

Then an even better idea hit me- Why not make it a meme?

If you're interested in joining:

1) Post your 13 things each Friday. You choose your topic. (Or, if you're lacking ideas, you may use mine.)
2) Leave a comment here (on the current Friday 13 post) with a link to your weekly post.
3) Tell your friends about this meme.

That's it.
**Regular players will get a link in my sidebar.