I saw you had your EP up on your webpage -all 5 tracks for download- and now theyre gone. WTF is going on?
To put it simply, I wasn't quite satisfied. I'm putting the final touches on "Walls (Delirium Pt2)", and intend to mix them again. I don't expect them to be perfect, but I want to be satisfied.. for now.. until the re-release. (No specific time frame for that one.)
How long have you been blogging? I just started a blog a couple months ago. Any tips?
Umm.. I think somewhere between 7 and 8 years now. I've lost track.
As far as tips go, you may want to check out a few of the articles I wrote:
- My Advice to New Bloggers
- My Advice to Aspiring Pro Bloggers
- More Advice For Aspiring Pro Bloggers
Whether or not you decide to have a go at "pro blogging" or just do it for fun, I'd say the latter two are worth a read anyway. Lots of things to think over. Hope they help.
What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
I suppose it would depend on who is offering the Klondike. If it was, let's say Trent Reznor, I would do just about anything (regardless if I get the ice cream or not). But if it was a clown, or something equally frightening, I would probably run away screaming. LOL
Thanks for the questions guys, keep them coming. More Q&A next week.