Thursday, October 15, 2009

Letters That I'll Never Send: To Someone Like Me

Dear person much like myself,

A funny thing, you are- full of drive and ambition, morbid humor, irony on legs.. and underneath it all, still young and afraid of what the world may actually have to offer. You are insane, my love. Truly insane, knowing what dwells within and choosing to remain locked up in that asylum you call your head.

You want to be taken seriously, yet that is the last thing you want, you walking contradiction. Beautiful it is at times, horridly plain at others. You fit right in with the rest of the world.

Fear is what ate you alive one day several years ago, if you don't recall. It feels like forever now, living an un-life brings us many new things and we tend to forget our past with time. But if you will remember the lessons learned that day many years back, you'll see that you continue to challenge the very things you hold so dear- lesson unlearned.

Knock it off and get your story straight already, you lunatic.

Lots of love,

This is a meme- Letters That I'll Never Send.