Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Say "No" To Mediocrity

Since moving back to PA, I've had a lot of time to think, as well as observe the world around me. And do you know what I see?

I see a bunch of miserable fucks who like to bitch about everything that inconveniences them, yet do nothing about these things, and refuse to go out of their way to better the rest of the world. A bunch of hypocrites trapped in an endless cycle of gloom, feeding off one another's "woe is me" attitude. It's pathetic.

All I see and hear some days is drama drama drama.. and I want to say, "Go fuck yourself." (Thanks to @J_Boner for that line. It describes it all perfectly.) But I usually don't say that, because it only raises the bar on the crap-o-meter and elevates the drama. Instead, I choose to smile and go on with my life.

Here's a news flash:
It doesn't have to be this way. You don't have to be a miserable prick, and you don't have to live a miserable life.

You're unhappy. Okay then. Now what can you do to change that?

You can start by saying "no" to mediocrity.

In order to change the world around us, the change must first begin within ourselves. We have to come to the realization that this is no way to live, and we're so much better than that. And we have to believe it whole-heartedly.

Then we must live it.

The world around you probably isn't going to change overnight. But through a series of changes in the way we live and interact with the rest of the world, it will transform over time.

Instead of gossiping about "who said what about who", why not invest that time into something productive, like learning about something you have an interest in.

When someone says or does something stupid and petty to you, instead of retaliating, shake it off and get on with your life. Without that person and his/her drama.

When everyone around you is scowling and being miserable, smile. Don't let them infect you.

While everyone is doing work that is "good enough", go above and beyond that. Because "good enough" is not acceptable. "Good enough" doesn't inspire change.

I could go on and on with this.. But my point is, go against the grain and lead a life worth living. Be genuine, have fun, do what you like to do. You don't have to be a sheep. Don't settle for less when you can easily do more, and with little effort. Don't be lazy and immature. There's a lot of good to be said about those with emotional intelligence.

And what's great about this is, once you start living happily and being real, everyone else around you will follow suit.

You do have the power to change the world. But first, you must have the courage to stand up and take the lead.

Try it.