Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Spent Valentine's Day Alone. Willingly.

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"What? You're not doing anything today? No dinner, or roses, or a movie? No date?" my grandma asked me when I declared that I wasn't doing anything for Valentine's Day.

"Nope." I left it at that.

"Garsh, what's wrong with these men.."

"Absolutely nothing. I don't want to do anything special, and that's that. I'm making coffee and catching up on Heroes."

She thinks I'm out of my mind. And maybe I am. But I see no point in conforming to an over-commercialized 'holiday' which we are 'supposed' to spend with a loved one, which is 'supposed' to be romantic, blah blah blah. What the hell is romantic about a predetermined 'day of love'? What about the rest of the year?

Fuck that shit.

Spontaneity is romantic. Tell me we're going somewhere, who knows where, wherever the road takes us, and let's go. Let's stop at some random restaurant that looks good and grab a bite to eat when we get hungry. Let's talk and laugh and enjoy our time together. Any day of the year. Love (and friendship) is supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be exciting, it's about experiencing things together and bonding. I don't want to look at a calendar and think, 'oh look, it's February 14th, time to do something fresh and exciting with someone I care about.' No, it's the random fun stuff that takes me by surprise and excites me, that's sexy.

I stayed home in my sweatpants and watched Heroes.