Saturday, April 24, 2010

EleKtrostatiK LP Update

Beans and disease, kids!

I've been hard at work on the eleKtrostatiK LP over the past few weeks (when I'm not enlisting the help of a friend on the Delirium tracks, and the randomness that ensues).

For those who don't know, eleKtrostatiK is an instrumental project I took on, as a learning experience, and an outlet for stress and frustrations, and is the next evolution of my musical persona. Like all my music thus far, it will be available for free download once released.

At this point in time, I'm about halfway through the production. And with songs like "Indigo", "Switchblade", and of course, "Elektrostatik", I'm excited and trying to release this as soon as possible (without ignoring all the important details). Album art is also in the works, and I'm thankful I took that Photoshop course back in '04.

As of right now, it's looking like the release date will be sometime in mid-late May. It could be sooner, but I'm playing it safe for the time being.

If you wish to stay up to date on what's happening with my music, I encourage you to join my mailing list. That way, you won't miss a thing.